Covid19 is a bitch. It has wrecked our lives in so many ways. It keeps us separated from our friends and family. It means we can no longer accompany a nervous friend to an appointment. In a previous blog, I spoke about a health scare I had. Well, here we are six months later after I have gone to every damn building at Truman Medical Center. Finally, I arrive at the correct building. It is crazy six months later I am here for my follow-up appointment. WWRS I know if you are over 40 years old you have sat in that dressing room in a gown wondering if you have cancer or nah. Sweaty palms, dry mouth, and butterflies in your stomach. The nurse comes in and says, "Good news everything looks good to see you in six months." Shiiiiittt! I have to come back in 6 months!!!
Life is kinda crazy AF sometimes. There are times we feel overwhelmed and it feels like we are swimming upstream. Covid has made it so we all have to reevaluate our lives. When a pandemic starts to swallow up friends, families, and neighbors. When you start burying your friends and having to watch their funerals on Zoom because of this virus. When you celebrate a milestone birthday and you can't go on the trip you planned. You think about how grateful you are to be alive. Man, I can't wait to hug my momma. I can't wait to see my nieces and nephews who are growing like weeds.
My work has become incredibly stressful because everything we know has been turned upside down. It has been changed forever. Some changes are good and some changes are not so good. I had a defining moment last week or maybe it was the week before. But, I reached a point in my life and my career where I had to realize my worth. You know the moment you just say, Fuck this shit mane! I mean you start to run down all the boss shit you have done, you think about how this raggedy motherfucker is about to fall down as soon as you walk your fine ass out the door, and finally, you look at your bank account and you say, " I don't make enough money to deal with this type of bullshit!" If I am gonna be stressed the fuck out I need to make more money. It's like Vedo says, "It's time to boss up...Fix you credit, girl get at it. Get yo bag up..Hit that gym and get back fine. Go get that degree..Focus on me. Unlock potential that you didn't know you had in you....Fuck that Nigga!"
Listen I ain't even out here trying to tell you some new shit or some shit you don't know. I am just here to tell you some shit you already know. You are a boss! You run all the shit! Now run that shit back. Take the next steps to get you to the next level. Self-care is essential. Don't cheat yourself. Get back on the grind! It is easy for others to look at you and pick you apart. It is easy for life to kick you in the ass and the teeth. It's simple for love to evade us. To mock and tempt us. We accept these things because we have not yet realized who we are, what we want, and how to walk in our power. But, it is that one day when the shit somebody says hits you in the chest and you realize...I am built for this shit. I was born for this shit. So Sis, get back to the grind. Come up with your plan. The bible says, "Write the vision down on tablets and make it plain." Stick to your plan, don't ever doubt yourself. Put on your best bra, pick out a fit, put on a sick pair of heels, and paint your lips ruby red. Grab this bitch called life by the horns and ride it into the sunset like the boss you are. Think about the last time somebody told you that you couldn't do some shit that you not only did but you aced it. Chuck the deuce at fear and go get yo shit!
